In 1995, The Watercress Company purchased land in Manatee County and began growing watercress, a peppery green that belongs to the cabbage family. Florida’s subtropical climate is suitable for growing vegetables during the winter months and the company is able to grow this specialty green year- round.  As the farm has expanded, Farm Manager, Rob Last, has been dedicated to implementing Best Management Practices (BMPs) in order to accomplish his goals of effectively managing water and nutrient use and improving local water quality.

Some of the most effective BMPs implemented include a tail water recovery system that recycles water and nutrients from each growing area and reuses it for irrigation. To reduce nutrient use, a precision applicator is used to apply fertilizer in exact amounts needed. Soil and tissue sampling also assist with nutrient management. 

Grass buffers and native vegetation have been planted around each wetland to capture and uptake nutrients attempting to runoff. These same buffers provide safe habitats for local wildlife, such as ground nesting birds, to thrive undisturbed. Nest boxes and nesting platforms have been installed to protect multiple species of birds found throughout the property. To protect soil health and prevent erosion, each field is laser leveled.

Last believes it is critical farmers remain the caretakers of natural resources and so he is involved in a variety of organizations and trainings to help him be a better environmental steward. He is a Certified Crop Advisor as well as a member of the American Society of Agronomy.

Florida Farm Bureau Federation is honored to award a 2019 CARES designation and sign to Rob Last, of Watercress Farms, for his dedication in being an outstanding environmental steward.